Press Control+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and then select Plugins. If the relevant features aren't available, make sure that you didn't disable the plugin. This functionality relies on the Terminal plugin, which is bundled and enabled in WebStorm by default. Use it to run Git commands, set file permissions, and perform other command-line tasks without switching to a dedicated terminal application. I want to say echo hello, says hello, and my other tab is still up and running.WebStorm includes an embedded terminal emulator for working with your command-line shell from inside the IDE. If you need to add multiple tools, you can always come in here and do something else. Now this is in its own window that I can drag to another monitor, and I don't have to worry about it. The last thing to show here is that you can actually pop this out. You could use this for npm-installing things or any other terminal tools. Then just type something, hit save, and you can see Live Server will automatically update. If I create something like a new HTML file, call it Index, then I could easily launch Live Server.

When I save this, close this session, and open up a new terminal, you can see I'm in my current directory. Now your terminal will open in your current directory. What you need to do for Cygwin in this case is to go into your Cygwin settings and ETC, open up your configuration file here, and add this line at the end that says, cd "$oldpwd". You'll notice if I do pwd to get my current working directory when you launch the terminal, you want it to be in the webstormtutorials or whatever your directory name is of your current project. When I close this session again and open it up, I'm now using Cygwin and our Bash is my shell. We want to do the same thing, so I'll copy all of this, paste that into my settings, and just change this a little bit here. You look under the cygwin.bat file, you'll basically see that Cygwin is launching a Bash executable from this directory and passing in these parameters. If you have another shell installed like Cygwin, like I do, I put it in toolscygwin, in that path.

Search for terminal up here, and you give it a new shell path. You can actually change which shell to run under the settings. I want to use Cygwin, because that's what I use for development.
For me, I don't want to use the Windows Command Prompt for my terminal. Don't just toggle it with your keyboard shortcut. So make sure you close out the session and then reopen it. You can see it's a little messed up now, it's just in the same session. Otherwise, I'm just going to hit Apply, OK. You could just go into your Console Font and hit Apply Editor Font Settings so that your console font and your editor font stay in sync. Or if you just wanted the font that your editor uses, you went into Font and changed the font in here. I'm going to change the font over to Ubuntu Mono, maybe change the size to 27. I'll save a default copy to make any changes to it. If you go to Editor, Colors and Fonts, Console Font. I'm going to go ahead and bump that up in the settings as well. By default, the terminal's font is pretty small. Then we can toggle the terminal with Control comma. So we'll add a new keyboard shortcut like Control comma, or just find another shortcut that you like. If you go into settings and check out your keymap, do a search for terminal, and you can see by default it's mapped to something like Alt F12. WebStorm has a built-in terminal emulator that you can access in a variety of ways, like double shift, typing terminal, hitting enter.